Software Development & Integration

Acting and reducing digital emissions in software happens through using less software, changing and optimizing running software and bringing new analytics and reporting software in.

We develop industry wide used state of the art open source software and also change and optimize carbon legacy software for clients.

Application Carbon Profiling


Understanding how much your product is using in terms of CO2 is not only key for optimizations and reporting, but also an important marketing and transparency gain.

To make certain claims about the carbon efficiency or even carbon neutrality of your product it is important that real time metrics of the application are present in a very granular layer.

We benchmark and profile your application with our open source tooling and automate the profiling for every commit that you check in - DevOps ready.

Carbon transparent applications report this values typically as an SCI value. We have done numerous of these profilings already and also submit use-cases to the Green Software Foundation for open source tools.

Application carbon profiles can be used to drive optimizations, drive team and talent engagement and for external communication like reportings and marketing.

Application carbon profiling - Example Wordpress

Legacy Migrations / Optimizations


Many applications out there still work without any energy or cabon optimizations.

Sometimes it is best to integrate some new carbon aware techniques like time-shifting, load-shifting, demand-shaping, power-capping, os-tuning to optimizte such a carbon-legacy application.

In other cases it is more helpful to make architectural changes like integrate dynamic scaling, libary-swap-outs, language-swap-outs or others.

For every of these techniques it is important to have good understanding of the development cost but also the expected carbon savings beforehand.

We help with our expertise planning and excuting such an optimization process to make it most effective and efficient.


The cases above are just an examplary list of our field of consulting work.

If you have some other specific need for your digital product do not hesitate to contact us. Our experience with a variety of clients spans many more domains like:

Software carbon strategy planning, Cloud carbon efficient migrations, Consultant trainings, Green software development guidelines, Application carbon profiling, Sustainable UI / UX, Sustainablity labels, Digital Carbon Certifications


Contact us

Green Coding Solutions GmbH
Jablonskistr. 24
10405 Berlin (Germany)

(+49) 160 947 930 24

[email protected]